Wow...well apparently this writing a blog is going to be more difficult than I originally anticipated. I just can't seem to remember to log on and write an
So, here we go. It has been very busy around the Wheat household with football season starting and getting the homeschool year going again. Despite this, I've managed to maintain at least some of my training/running time.
The San Antonio, TX heat and humidity (especially in the morning) has been wreaking havoc...but we stride on and persevere.
Some training updates: I'm up to 6 mile long-run days the last couple of weeks, with a few 3-4 mile runs sprinkled in each week when time allows (usually quickly after work and before football practice).
This week, 7 mile run most likely tomorrow morning (my day off). I'm also managing to get some cross-training cardio in on my work days. About once a week or so I'm riding my bicycle to work - a 30 mile round trip :-) I rode this morning in fact!
I've also been practicing running with a stroller part of the time...although it is definitely different running with it empty.
Assuming I don't actually injure myself, I should be good to go for the run with Krissy in October. I can't wait! I chatted with Terre not long ago, and she was going to have Krissy's brothers run with her occasionally too to help her become more used to the stroller idea.
I'm really looking forward to completing the Portland Half Marathon with Krissy. This will be a new accomplishment for me physically...but also much more. This will be an opportunity to raise awareness for SOFT and for A Butterfly's Touch.
As it turns out, the weekend after the run is A Butterfly's Touch's Walk to Remember and fundraising auction. (probably more of a stumble to remember for
I hope to see many of you there at the Walk to Remember.
If you can, please help our fundraising cause for this run by visiting:
Anything you can do will help!